Flavor of Mercury retrograde April 1 – April 25

Expect the Unexpected…

April is full of astrological events. There is Mercury retrograde of course as well as a total eclipse of the Sun on April 8th and a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on the 21st. An interesting month. Nonetheless explosive.) Eclipses and Uranus in the same month suggest that good old oxymoron: Expect the unexpected, something only humans attempt.

Mercury steps into these stellar influences reminding us as always to be reflective, to pause before hitting send, to measure twice and cut once. Of course, in Aries that is much easier said than done! The message in its bottle is to slow down our reaction time, as best we can. Haste, not speed.

In the shadow of the retrograde Mercury will conjunct Chiron. A little later, after Mercury is retrograde the eclipse will also be conjunct Chiron. Mercury will make that conjunction twice more: Once during the retrograde and once in the shadow going out. Chiron is the wise teacher whose wisdom comes from wounding. There is plenty of that going around on Planet Earth at the moment. Mercury wants us to learn all we can as it conjuncts Chiron, about our own reactions and how they can wound us. It’s quite likely that we are all feeling wounded as we witness the details of the suffering in other parts of the world. We can acknowledge this without becoming less sensitive to the wounds of others. In fact our response to the rest of the world is likely to be more authentic and helpful if we know who we are and how we think and feel. Aries is a first responder. The one who runs toward the fire, not away. Retrograde in Aries, Mercury is still inclined toward this but encouraged to take a breath before dashing off.

The other aspect of note is always the conjunction with the Sun. This is the exact middle point of the retrograde period and there is often a shift away from confusion and miscommunication which are common in the first half of a Mercury retrograde period and toward actions and completions we would like to make happen.

For the exact dates of the aspects you can check the Insights column at my website

Warm regards, 


Join us for the alignment on April 1st!

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Flavor of Mercury retrograde December – January 2023

This Mercury retrograde period is a bit cosmic. The midpoint of the retrograde period lands on December 22 at the solstice point. We all know the story of the solstice, one version or another. It’s the birth of the light. The Sun, which has been sinking lower and lower in the sky, making the days shorter and shorter is miraculously born again into a slow and steady rise which will brighten the skies and bring another round of spring and then summer (even if it takes a while). Even folks who live near the equator celebrate the season. It’s an archetypal moment in the human psyche. What can we take from Mercury highlighting such a moment with a conjunction to the Sun (called cazimi)? Could it be that we need to bring as much awareness and understanding as we can gather to the New Year that will take shape as the days grow brighter? This brief moment of Mercury cazimi, as it sits at the heart of the Sun (which is the heart of the heart of our solar system) seems to be a powerful reminder to listen to the still, small voice within, the one that is easily blotted out by the relentless barrage of noise and distraction. To listen deeply at the solstice is to hear the animals speak, all of nature in fact. Capricorn reminds us or tries that we are part of nature. We benefit from her abundance and we suffer when she becomes sparse or damaged. It’s that simple. To acknowledge this is to settle down in our bodies even as we once again, celebrate the miracle of the birth of the light.

As Mercury enters the shadow of the retrograde it will be in Sagittarius. It will square Neptune and conjunct Mars (which will square Neptune later in December). These are uneasy aspects. As it moves into Capricorn it makes more favorable aspects: a sextile to Saturn and a trine to Jupiter. This retrograde period has two parts: Reminding us in Sagittarius that even if there is a sucker born every minute it doesn’t have to be us. While in Capricorn it shows us that when we align with the natural world, when we overcome the distracting chatter and allow that we are embodied beings, we benefit. As it leaves the shadow it will square Neptune and conjunct Mars once again before finding stability again in Capricorn. There is a heap of information as well as misinformation in this world. Be mindful. And once you make it through the ‘fire swamp’ of the square to Neptune, as January turns to February there are things to be done if we are to be good citizens of the natural world. Tell that to your politicians.

For the exact dates of the aspects you can check the Insights column at my website. To join the alignment event for Mercury retrograde and resonate with the best of this astrological aspect register at www.LightTravels.com

Warm regards, 



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Flavor of Mercury retrograde August 23 – September 23

This Mercury retrograde period is kind of low key, taking a back seat to Venus retrograde. Venus has been asking us to take stock of the fun we love to have, the good life we all want to live in light of the planetary realities taking place all around us. It’s not as much of a no-brainer as it sounds. There is a lot to deconstruct in our way of life to make us sustainable on this planet. Mercury in the practical sign of Virgo seems to be in support of any and all initiatives aimed at living more realistically on our planet which includes living with each other as well as other species and life forms.

The only aspect it makes other than the conjunction with the Sun (which always happens) is a trine to Jupiter. (Before the retrograde: August 9th. During the retrograde: September 4. After Mercury goes direct:  September 25th. Third time is the charm…) This seems to encourage all efforts in aid of a more integrated life. The strongest hit is on September 4th which is also when Jupiter is stationing. When planets appear to stand still (station) from the perspective of earth, astrologers say they are extra strong.

Maybe it’s time to consider a heat pump or an induction stove, a bit less travel or even simply how to preserve foods for the winter. A bit of canning or drying might be in order!

Warm regards, 

Julie Simmons

Join us for the next alignment event

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Flavor of Mercury Retrograde April 21 2023

If it was possible to remind someone of what is going to happen in the future this Mercury Retrograde would be that. Science fiction? More likely the shape of things to come seen through the lens of hindsight. Mercury’s journey will take place over exactly the same degrees as Jupiter will travel between June and February of 2024. And this just happens to be the degrees which Uranus traveled between June 2019 and February 2023. Mercury’s trajectory points backward and forward at the same time!

The degrees and sign in question are between 5 and 15 of Taurus, essentially the first half. We are asked to focus on our values at a personal level and our economies at a collective level. Taurus reaches deep into where climate change and the economy are one.

Uranus reveals, Mercury retrograde reminds and Jupiter expands. You might say: Uranus has revealed the problems we are facing (failing banks, melting ice caps, war and the possibility of extinction). Mercury is asking us to reflect on how these things impact our immediate realities (our resources – more than just money in the bank. Resources are time, energy, money and something we might call love or even pleasure) and Jupiter promises to make things better or worse depending on how we engage this awareness. We have seen the problem, we are being reminded that it is real, and it will get better or worse over the next while depending on where we put our enthusiasm for a world that matters.

Given that most of us don’t rule the world, the focus is on our present individual realities. To have peace I must be peaceful, to have abundance I must be generous, to have stability I must be centered and present. This retrograde offers a good time to survey the landscape of your resources and get as real as you can about how to use them going forward in a time of such great upheavals. Whatever your adventure while Mercury is retrograde keep aware of how it uses resources, your own and the world’s. Don’t judge what you discover about this. You did not create the world’s woes all by yourself. Even so you might consider what you can do, how to do it mindfully and where you can invest yourself to stand with beauty and the perception which comes through your senses not what the algorithm is telling you is real.

During the retrograde journey there are days when Mercury makes aspects to other planets which will accentuate the themes:

April 23: Mars sextile Mercury: How does your exploration of Mercury retro themes encourage action?

May 1: Sun conjuncts Mercury: What are you learning or could you learn about values, money, economics?

May 12: Mercury sextile both Saturn and Venus: Given that you can’t change the world, what opportunities are there to engage the world around you responsibly as well as esthetically?

Warm regards,


Julie Simmons, Astrologer

Join us for the Mercury Retrograde alignment April 21st

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Flavor of Mercury retrograde December 29 – January 18th

Having Mercury stationing retrograde as we step into the New Year is a reminder that life is full of paradox and ambiguity: the very stuff of human life. Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Last year we started off with Venus retrograde in Capricorn. This year it is Mercury in Capricorn.

A Mercury retrograde New Year is less about our expectations and more about the need to take inventory (which may already be underway since Mercury entered the shadow around mid-December). Capricorn suggests an inventory of nuts and bolts, the foundations or supporting structures of your life. As Mercury journeys it will make mostly favorable aspects: A sextile to Neptune around the station and a trine to Uranus at the Full Moon. Nobody likes hard times, this is true, but most of us look back on our difficulties – the ones we made it through – and recognize a sense of being fully alive when the stakes are high, when we are focused and determined toward an outcome. Perhaps our inventory should take those times into account and remind us of how well we have done, and how it feels when we focus our intention as if it really matters. Our storehouses aren’t just full of stuff but also of abilities and strengths and most valuable, the wisdom that comes from experience.

These next few weeks might ask us to consider how we might offer ourselves, our gifts, our resources to the collective for the Good of All. Capricorn is a cardinal, universal, earth sign. Put these qualities together and you have a dynamic ability to steward resources for the benefit of the group, not just your group but the entire planet. What if humans are the Universe becoming conscious? If you knew this to be the truth (and you can’t say it isn’t) how would you then focus your attention, your intention?

Warm regards, 



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Flavor of Mercury retrograde September 9 – October 2nd

The main thing about this Mercury retrograde is that when it goes direct it will square the station of Mars at the end of October. It will also oppose Neptune which is a big part of that event. Neither of these is exact, just close enough to activate the energies. For a list of exact events see below or check the Insights at my website.

This Mercury retrograde begins in Libra and goes back to Virgo, continuing the theme of air into Earth. The next Mercury retrograde at the end of December will begin a cycle (of three) Mercury retrograde periods in earth signs only. Air is about thinking. Earth is about real things. This year’s cycle of Mercury retrograde periods has shown us, in case we didn’t get it, that it’s not enough to have a plan or a good idea. It has to be workable and sustainable in the real world, whatever that real world is to you. You could define this real world as the one where you eat and deal with your health or lack of health, the roof over your head and your livelihood, the one that allows you to use the money in your bank account to manifest your life. Perhaps this Mercury retrograde is asking us to consider the ideas and perspectives of others (Libra) from a critical and analytical perspective (Virgo) before we decide to take them on. Measure twice, cut once as the saying goes.

Opposite Jupiter: September 18
Conjunct Sun: September 23
Trine Pluto: September 27


Julie Simmons


Be supported for this Mercury Retrograde and join the alignment experience

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Flavor of Mercury retrograde May 10 – June 3 2022

Flavor of Mercury retrograde May 10 – June 3 2022

This Mercury retrograde begins in the early degrees of Gemini and takes us at the station direct to Taurus. The actual degree of the station direct on June 3 is considered to be a wild part of the sky, representing, in its negative manifestation, a kind of blind rage arising from injustice (of which there is plenty on this planet). However, this station makes a favorable aspect to Pluto (some say, with friends like that, who needs enemies…). But a trine (positive) is a trine and the possibility is empowerment. Empowering rage is something none of us wants more of. To empower something more useful, at least at an individual level we might consider why this part of the zodiac is linked to such destructive power.

To my mind it is justifiable to be enraged at the way humans have violated nature and particularly beauty. Even so rage, when you think about it, is a massive anxiety attack and not generally productive. Anger, however, can transform us, bring clarity and aim us at solutions. When we are enraged we are all over the place and want to destroy something (even ourselves). When we are angry we tend to step back and take a breath. Our nostrils flare. This allows us to figure out actions that might change the way things are to the way they should or could be. Pluto is just as happy with transformation as destruction. You could say that Pluto takes the long view and doesn’t make a distinction between them.

All roads lead to change. I suggest we use this Mercury retrograde period to listen to new ideas while it’s in Gemini (until May 22nd), paying particular attention to the conjunction with the Sun on May 21st. From that point, once it goes back into Taurus and changes direction, we work at using our anger or indignation in aid of creating a more beautiful world, wherever we are, whatever that means to you.

On the same day that Mercury stations retrograde Jupiter will enter Aries for the first time in about 12 years. Aries is a sign of individuality as well as aggression. Its finest manifestation is when it aims at birth or breakthrough. Its worst manifestation is war. If we can make it through Jupiter in Aries (till October 28th on this round) without escalating war and warlike situations we might just bring about a new way to deal with deeply threatening planetary conditions. It’s a big ask for our species (humans) to lay down our reactivity and consider the consequences for children and all living things. But there it is! Ours to explore.

Warm regards,



PS – join us for the repatterning alignment on May 10th – and make the most of this mercury retrograde! https://lighttravels.com/event-4605719

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Flavor of Mercury retrograde May 29th – June 22, 2021

Photo by Emiliano Arano on Pexels.com

“Mercury’s second retrograde of 2021 in air signs reminds us that we are not done with issues of misinformation and distraction. We are all well advised during this time to pause and listen to the noise in our own minds before jumping into the fray.  The most intense period is around the station starting on May 22, when Mercury squares Neptune for the first time, which is close to the actual station on the 29th when Mercury is also conjunct Venus, which will square Neptune as well, adding to the theme of confusion. (I realize this is a rather long sentence but that is the nature of all these things happening so close to each other: A run-on astrological sentence, you might say.) The Sun will conjunct Mercury (the middle of the retrograde period) on June 10 and square Neptune on the 13th. By the time Mercury goes direct on the 22nd the Sun and Venus will be gone from Gemini but it will square Neptune one more time on the 6th of July. Put all this together and it seems that between May 22 and July 6th we will feel this influence warning us to remain still in the fast moving rapids of information, gossip, news and all manner of distraction (you know which ones are your favorites).

Think of it as an extended sit in a meditation retreat. The desire to scratch an itch is but a little thing, yet it disturbs the flow of breath and being that stillness offers. Maybe it’s like being at the ocean at the moment when a big wave is about to break and you can’t get away from it. The best strategy is to dive deep and let it break over you where you can’t feel it even as you know you will come up for air once it is finished.

Warm regards,


PS – join the alignment repatterning session with Carolyn Winter and I May 29th, to make the very best of Mercury retrograde energy. Click here for information and to register.

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